Below is a list of summer research projects students can join the BionicDL lab for the summer of 2020. Please submit your expression of interest by sending an email to, with a self-introduction, a resume, and the project you’d like to join. Please make sure to submit your application through University channels as well (this is required by the university this year).

  • All following projects have existing progress that you can pick up from and senior students that you can work with.
  • All following projects require a team of students with a mixed background in design, coding, fabrication, with a strong focus on hands-on skills.
  • You must have a genuine interest in research, capable of searching the literature, be analytical in thinking, and willing to get your hands dirty.
  • All projects aim at an outcome in forms of a working prototype with validated experiments, written in a research paper to be submitted for ICRA 2020 or other respected journals in design, robotics, or AI.
  • All projects follow the SUSTech motto, which involves research, innovation, and entrepreneurship at the same time.
  • Students taking any of these projects will have the opportunity to further develop it into a final year thesis project.


Omni-directional Soft Finger with Vision-based Sensing: To further develop a novel 3D soft structure for omni-directional adaption by refining its sensing capabilities for object manipulation. You can refer to this paper and this paper for existing progress.


A Lobster-inspired Robotic Manipulation System for Autonomous Waste Sorting: To further develop a robotic manipulation system for autonomous waste sorting based on a lobster-inspired dual-arm robot, we are currently developing. This project involves one sub-project for tracking human motion using depth vision and another sub-project for simulation, a dual-arm design inspired by the lobster.


A Robotic Manipulation System for Learning-based Hardware Benchmark: Based on the existing DeepClaw system, contribute by adding drivers, experiments, and modules to the existing system. (we have plenty of robots at the lab for you to work on). You can refer to this Github repository, or this Manual, or the ME336 class website, or this paper, and this paper to follow.


SUSTech Lobster Robot for Learning in Amphibian Environment: We are currently in the process of designing a lobster robot with a novel overconstrained robotic joint with dual outputs through an overconstrained mechanism. Vision-based recognition for amphibian sensing, motion control for a multi-legged robot, over-constrained robotic theory, novel robot design including human shape, insect shape, and animal shape. A few working papers are currently under preparation.


An interactive education system for robotic and AI based on DeepClaw: Base on current development of the DesignAIR and DeepClaw, further develop the system with educational content, project examples, and mechanical design.


An Interactive Board Game for Raising Public Awareness on Pandemic: This project is based on an educational collaboration with MIT. We have developed a prototype of the game (website under development) based on the teaching of 2.00b at MIT and with an aim to help develop the ME499 at SUSTech in collaboration with MIT. We would like to invite students to join and further develop the game in various forms as an educational product for raising public awareness in the time of a pandemic.