南方科技大学设计学院助理教授万芳博士于2024年10月7日~9日,参加在美国芝加哥举办的第十六届机器人算法基础研讨会(Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics),介绍团队参加ICRA2024布料操控挑战赛期间开发的布料操控图神经网络算法及其相关研究,万芳博士作为Team Greater Bay的领队参加该项赛事。我们针对布料与外部环境物品物理交互过程的图神经网络建模,仅通过机器人的单次抛甩即可实现对布料目标位置与姿态的操控实现。WAFR是机器人运动规划算法领域的国际高水平会议。本次被接收的论文,也是近20年来首次由来自中国内地高校担任第一作者与通讯作者在该会议上发表研究论文。该论文的第一作者是南方科大-香港大学联合培养的杨林瀚博士,由设计与学习研究实验室助理教授宋超阳博士与香港大学副教授潘佳博士担任共同通讯作者。近期我们受邀参加在阿联酋首都阿布扎比举办的IROS2024研讨会【Workshop on Benchmarking via Competitions in Robotic Grasping and Manipulation】,核心参赛队员、南方科大-香港大学联合培养博士研究生孙浩然也将现场参会,进一步介绍我们的参赛方案与相关研究。与赛事主办方合作,我们也将近期联合向机器人学高水平期刊IEEE Transactions on Robotics提交合作论文。期待在IROS的会场与各位师生的现场交流研讨~

Recently, Prof. WAN Fang from the School of Design at the Southern University of Science and Technology participated in the 16th Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations in Robotics (WAFR), held in Chicago, USA, from Oct 7th to 9th, introducing our research on using Graph Neural Networks to learn goal-conditioned manipuation of fabrics with environment-aware dynamics. WAFR is the world-leading platform on motion planning and robotic algorithms. Prof. WAN led the Team Greater Bay to participate in the ICRA2024 Cloth Manipulation Competition in Japan earlier this year. Next week, by invitation from the competition organizers, we will join the IROS 2024 Workshop on Benchmarking via Competitions in Robotic Grasping and Manipulation to present our solutions during the competition. We will also submit a joint manuscript with the competition organizers and the participating teams on fabric manipulation to the IEEE Transactions on Robotics soon.

– WAFR2024: https://bionicdl.ancorasir.com/?p=1277

– IROS2024 Workshop: https://bionicdl.ancorasir.com/?p=1605

– ICRA2024 Competition: https://cse.usf.edu//~yusun/rgmc/2024.html

One Fling to Goal @ WAFR2024

Prof. WAN Fang recently participated in the 16th Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) in Chicago, USA, to share our latest collaboration with Prof. PAN Jia on Environment-Aware Dynamics for Goal-Conditioned Fabric Manipulation, or One Fling to Goal. Fabric manipulation dynamically is commonly seen in manufacturing and domestic settings. While dynamically manipulating a fabric piece to reach a target state is highly efficient, this task presents considerable challenges due to the varying properties of different fabrics, complex dynamics when interacting with environments, and meeting required goal conditions. To address these challenges, we present One Fling to Goal, an algorithm capable of handling fabric pieces with diverse shapes and physical properties across various scenarios. Our method learns a graph-based dynamics model equipped with environmental awareness. With this dynamics model, we devise a real-time controller to enable high-speed fabric manipulation in one attempt, requiring less than 3 seconds to finish the goal-conditioned task. We experimentally validate our method on a goal-conditioned manipulation task in five diverse scenarios. Our method significantly improves this goal-conditioned task, achieving an average error of 13.2mm in complex scenarios. Our method can be seamlessly transferred to real-world robotic systems and generalized to unseen scenarios in a zero-shot manner.

CopGNN @ IROS2024

The theoretical foundation of the algorithm presented at WAFR2024 was initially proposed in Prof. Wan’s Youth Grant under the Natural Science Foundation of China Grant 62206119, awarded in 2021. An earlier development of this work was initially submitted to CoRL. After receiving feedback from the reviewer and reviewing the latest literature from recent research, we organized this work for the ICRA2024 Competition on Fabric Manipulation through Team Greater Bay with Prof. Wan as the Team Lead and various members from Prof. Song Chaoyang @ SUSTech and Prof. Pan Jia @ HKU. We tailored the algorithm specifically for the competition and developed the CopGNN algorithm, providing an end-to-end solution to achieve cloth coverage prediction via Graph Neural Networks. Recently, we were invited to the Poster Session of the IROS2024 Workshop on Benchmarking via Competitions in Robotic Grasping and Manipulation. Feel free to join us in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for further discussion. A key member of Team Greater Bay, Mr. Sun Haoran, will also join IROS for this workshop and present our work during the poster session.

A Collaborative Work for IEEE Transactions on Robotics

Together with the organizer of the ICRA2024 Cloth Competition and all participating teams, we recently finished wrapping up a joint manuscript to be submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Thanks a lot to the IDLab-AIRO at Ghent University for organizing and the euROBin Project for funding this competition. We will share further information on this work once we’ve finalized the formal submission with the lead author, Victor-Louis De Gusseme, from Ghent University.