我们最近发表在《IEEE CASE 2023》的会议论文,提出了一种增强水下人机互动的新方法解决了潜水员在水下人机交互时面临的挑战。该论文的公共第一作者郭宇芹、张镕正为南方科技大学机械与能源工程系及设计学院硕士研究生,合作作者包括南方科技大学机械与能源工程系本科生邱望宏杰,MIT机械工程系教授Harry Asada(外肢体机器人概念的开创者),本文的共同通讯作者是设计学院助理教授万芳、机械与能源工程系助理教授宋超阳

Our study presents a novel approach to enhance human-robot interactions underwater by recognizing human intentions, addressing the challenges divers face when communicating while submerged. We developed a compact, wearable system that simultaneously detects head motion and throat vibrations, successfully translating these signals into control commands for an underwater superlimb, thus reducing the physical and mental demands on divers. These findings lay the groundwork for further research in underwater intention recognition and its applications.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260480


In our study, we introduce a pioneering approach to enhance human-robot interactions in underwater environments. Our research is focused on addressing the complex challenge of recognizing human intentions while diving beneath the waves. This research has significant implications for the development of intelligent wearable systems for underwater human-robot interactions.

水下的挑战The Underwater Challenge


The underwater realm presents unique challenges for divers, particularly when it comes to expressing their intentions effectively. Divers often need to maintain precise body postures in three dimensions while operating equipment, such as tools, which is physically demanding and mentally exhausting. Current communication methods for divers are limited, and traditional hand gestures are the most common way of conveying intentions underwater.


However, these gestures are not always practical, especially when divers need to balance their bodies, and their hands are occupied with tasks like tool operations. The underwater environment restricts divers’ senses and the ability to communicate through conventional methods like verbal expressions or facial cues. This limitation necessitates novel solutions for recognizing human intentions underwater to enable effective human-robot interactions.

从陆地系统汲取灵感Drawing Inspiration from On-Land Systems


To address this issue, we drew inspiration from on-land systems that utilize head motion and throat vibrations to recognize human intentions. For instance, researchers have used throat vibrations to interpret speech after laryngectomy surgery and have detected eye motions and throat vibrations to understand the intentions of individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Others have developed systems that use head gestures for intention recognition in various applications.


We recognized the potential to adapt these methods to underwater scenarios, where divers’ hands are often busy with maintaining body postures. Despite challenges, such as noisy signals in the aquatic environment, we aimed to combine head motion and throat vibration as a means of expressing intentions for controlling underwater wearable robots, like an underwater superlimb.

我们的方法Our Approach


Our study introduces an innovative solution for underwater intention recognition. We designed a compact, wearable system capable of simultaneously detecting the diver’s head motion and throat vibrations. This system is engineered to facilitate multi-modal human-robot interactions with an underwater superlimb, which provides propulsion assistance for divers.

The wearable design includes a customized headband with a waterproof Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor placed on the top and a throat microphone located on the neck. By utilizing machine learning algorithms, the system interprets the diver’s head motion and vocal vibrations to recognize intentions and translate them into control commands for an underwater superlimb. This capability aims to reduce the physical and mental demands on divers, allowing them to interact naturally without using their hands.

本文贡献Key Contributions


Our study makes several noteworthy contributions:

  1. 创新设计:我们提出了一种新颖的水下意图识别设计,采用头部运动和喉咙振动,以适应潜水情景的紧凑形式。
    Novel Design: We propose a novel design for underwater intention recognition that incorporates head motion and throat vibration in a compact form factor suitable for diving scenarios.
  2. 实时分类算法:我们开发了一种实时分类算法,基于头部运动和音阶,用于有效识别水下潜水员的意图。
    Real-Time Classification Algorithm: We developed a real-time classification algorithm based on head motion and musical scales to recognize divers’ intentions underwater effectively.
  3. 控制可行性:我们通过控制水下外肢体原型来证明了我们方法的可行性,用于连续的水下推进辅助。
    Feasibility for Control: We demonstrated the feasibility of our approach by controlling an underwater superlimb prototype with continuous motion commands for underwater propulsion assistance.

未来方向Future Directions


While our results are promising, our study serves as a foundation for future research in underwater intention recognition and human-robot interactions with supernumerary support. Expanding the vocabulary for intention expression and refining the system’s performance are areas of ongoing and future work. Additionally, we plan to explore more natural expressions of intentions underwater, building upon the successful combination of head motion and throat vibrations.



Our research represents a significant step forward in the development of intelligent wearable systems for underwater human-robot interactions. By combining head motion and throat vibrations to recognize human intentions, we aim to make diving more efficient and accessible. The potential applications of our findings extend beyond diving, offering possibilities for individuals with vocal impairments and various human-robot interaction scenarios in aquatic and terrestrial environments.


In summary, our study has opened up new avenues for research and development in the field of underwater intention recognition, providing an innovative and practical approach for enhancing human-robot interactions in the underwater world.

Yuqin Guo#, Rongzheng Zhang#, Wanghongjie Qiu, Harry Asada, Fang Wan* and Chaoyang Song* (2023). “Underwater Intention Recognition using Head Motion and Throat Vibration for Supernumerary Robotic Assistance.” IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Auckland, New Zealand, on 26-30 August 2023.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260480