我们近期发表在《Advanced Intelligent Systems》的研究,提出了一种可重构的水下外肢体,旨在作为可穿戴机器人协助潜水员执行水下任务。该论文的公共第一作者霍佳雨、王婧然为南方科技大学机械与能源工程系本科生,合作作者包括南方科技大学机械与能源工程系硕士研究生郭宇芹,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系本科生邱望宏杰、陈铭栋(陈铭栋现在是布朗大学攻读工业设计硕士研究生并为本论文提供原创原型设计、封面设计与模型渲染),MIT机械工程系教授Harry Asada(外肢体机器人概念的开创者),本文的共同通讯作者是设计学院助理教授万芳、机械与能源工程系助理教授宋超阳。该论文近期被选为AIS期刊11月背面封面论文。

Our study introduces a novel underwater superlimb designed as a wearable robot to assist divers, enabling them to perform multiple tasks while underwater. This innovative solution addresses the challenges of underwater exploration, where divers need to balance life support with complex operations. We aim to pave the way for wearable and reconfigurable underwater robotics.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202300245


In our quest to unlock the potential of wearable robotics, our latest study presents a remarkable innovation that could transform the underwater world. We are proud to introduce the “Underwater Superlimb,” a cutting-edge wearable robot designed to provide divers with unparalleled mobility and multifunctional capabilities while freeing their hands for intricate tasks beneath the waves.

提升潜水员的机动性|Enhancing Diver Mobility


Our research aims to revolutionize the underwater experience for divers. Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) diving, especially for commercial purposes, demands a delicate balance between maintaining posture and performing intricate tasks. The plethora of equipment required by divers places a considerable burden on their mobility and efficiency. To address this challenge, we’ve devised the Underwater Superlimb, a wearable robotic system that offers a multifunctional approach to enhance diver mobility and task capabilities.

外肢体机器人|Enter the World of Superlimbs


The concept of supernumerary robotic limbs, or “superlimbs,” brings an innovative twist to the field of wearable robotics. Unlike traditional prosthetics or exoskeletons, which primarily focus on either replacing lost motor functions or enhancing existing ones, superlimbs provide a novel approach. These wearable devices are designed to assist users in managing multiple tasks simultaneously while interacting with their surroundings.

Designed by Chen Mingdong
Designed by Chen Mingdong

克服水下挑战|Overcoming Underwater Challenges


Underwater conditions present unique challenges for divers. Reduced sensory feedback due to water temperature, limited visibility, and depth can make even simple tasks challenging. Divers must juggle essential life support equipment, such as SCUBA systems and air tanks, while navigating in three dimensions (3D). The need for various equipment like fins, gloves, and weights adds complexity to underwater mobility. Divers’ hands are primarily occupied with maintaining their posture, leaving little room for tool operation or task completion. This underwater environment places significant cognitive and physical demands on divers, making it a challenging space for human-robot interaction.

当前的水下可穿戴设备|The Current State of Underwater Wearables


While various wearable devices exist for divers, many still lack intelligence and autonomy when it comes to interacting with the divers or their environment. Most wearables for diving, such as fins and gloves, enhance underwater navigation or enable real-time monitoring. However, these devices are primarily mechanical and offer limited advancements in terms of intelligence. Diver propulsion units, for instance, are attached to the body limbs and require manual control, often leaving divers’ hands occupied. A research gap exists when it comes to hands-free underwater wearables with intelligent human-robot interaction capabilities.

水下外肢体机器人|Introducing the Underwater Superlimb


Our research presents the innovative Underwater Superlimb, a wearable device that promises to revolutionize diving. It features a reconfigurable design, enabling divers to free their hands from posture controls while operating tools and exploring new dimensions of underwater mobility. This unique wearable robot is a breakthrough concept in wearable robotics, offering multifunctional assistance for divers.

可重构多功能|Versatility in Action


The Underwater Superlimb boasts a thrust vectoring system, equipped with two 3D-printed, waterproofed modules. These modules can be adjusted and reconfigured for various purposes, including use as an underwater superlimb for divers, a hand-held glider for swimmers, a quadruped superlimb for amphibian robots, or even as a dual-unit Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for independent underwater navigation. Our research involved developing the kinematics and dynamics of the prototype and its reconfigured modes. We also introduced a sliding-mode controller to ensure stable simulation in PyBullet.

水下可行性测试|Field Tests Validate Feasibility


To validate the potential of the Underwater Superlimb, we conducted field tests with a test diver in a swimming pool. The results confirmed the feasibility of the underwater superlimb when worn by divers, showcasing its hands-free operation capabilities. Our study is the first to introduce the concept of an underwater superlimb in the literature, opening doors to new possibilities for wearable robotics in underwater scenarios.

创新挑战|Uncharted Waters of Innovation


While we have demonstrated the engineering feasibility of the Underwater Superlimb, our study is not without its limitations. For example, we acknowledge that the strapping process can be further refined for ease of use, and more advanced field tests in different underwater modes are yet to be conducted. However, we believe that our research presents a compelling vision for the future of wearable robotics in underwater scenarios.

未来之路|The Path Forward


In our future work, we aim to introduce intention recognition into the system by incorporating sensors that can detect throat vibrations and head movements. Gait control experiments in quadruped mode are on the horizon, along with further field tests for the superlimb’s reconfigured modes. Our ultimate goal is to make underwater operations more efficient, hands-free, and intelligent through the integration of supernumerary robotic limbs in underwater wearables.



Our journey into the world of underwater robotics has brought us to the creation of the Underwater Superlimb. This innovative wearable robot is set to transform the underwater experience for divers, offering hands-free operation and multifunctional capabilities. As pioneers in the field of underwater superlimbs, we are excited to see the positive impact this technology will have on underwater exploration and commercial diving, making the underwater world more accessible and efficient than ever before.

Jiayu Huo#, Jingran Wang#, Yuqin Guo, Wanghongjie Qiu, Mingdong Chen, Harry Asada, Fang Wan*, and Chaoyang Song* (2023). “Reconfigurable Design and Modeling of an Underwater Superlimb for Diving Assistance.” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2300245. (Back Cover)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202300245