我们最近发表在《Mechanism and Machine Theory》的期刊论文中,以Bennett机构为代表,探索了过约束机构在机器人足式肢体设计方面的工程潜力,用于研制具有全向行走能力的机器腿,搭建了一台性能优越的四足机器人原型样机,开拓了以过约束机器人学为核心的全新发展方向。该论文第一作者顾宇平是南方科技大学与香港大学联合培养博士研究生,合作作者包括南方科技大学硕士研究生冯世豪和郭宇芹、设计学院助理教授万芳、机械与能源工程系讲席教授戴建生、香港大学计算机系副教授潘佳,通讯作者是南方科技大学机械与能源工程系助理教授宋超阳

Our Study Investigates the Use of Overconstrained Linkages for Omni-Directional Locomotion in Legged Robots. We’ve explored the untapped potential of overconstrained linkages, specifically the Bennett linkage, in creating robotic legs for omni-directional locomotion. Our research resulted in a prototype quadruped robot with impressive performance, and we’re now paving the way for the future of overconstrained robotics.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2022.105018


In the world of robotics, legged locomotion has always been a subject of fascination and technological advancement. However, there’s an untapped potential lying within overconstrained linkages, and in our research, we set out to explore this uncharted territory. Our study delves into the design of overconstrained linkages, specifically the Bennett linkage, as a novel approach to creating robotic legs with omni-directional ground locomotion capabilities. The goal was to establish the theoretical foundations and engineering advantages of these unique linkages in the realm of legged robotics.

重新定义机器人腿Reinventing Robotic Legs


Our research takes a fresh perspective on leg design, breaking free from the conventional norms. We propose a parametric design for the spatial links and joints, allowing for the fabrication of overconstrained limbs via 3D printing. These limbs are then equipped with coaxial actuation, and the linkage is attached to a pair of servo actuators to form a reconfigurable leg module.

多目标优化Multi-Objective Optimization


To refine the design parameters and maximize performance, we employ a multi-objective optimization approach. Our analysis takes into consideration manipulability metrics and force transmission, ensuring that these overconstrained legs can achieve omni-directional ground locomotion.

原型样机Prototype Success


Our efforts resulted in the creation of a prototype quadruped robot, equipped with these novel overconstrained legs. This robot showcased impressive omni-directional locomotion capabilities and achieved a minimal turning radius of just 0.2 times its body length while using a minimal number of actuators.

不仅限于Bennett机构Beyond the Bennett Linkage


We didn’t stop at the Bennett linkage; we expanded our exploration to encompass all overconstrained 5R and 6R linkages. This expansion opens up exciting possibilities for the future of overconstrained robotics.

为前行指路Pioneering the Path Forward


In conclusion, our research is a pioneering effort in the field of robotic leg design. We’ve harnessed the unique capabilities of overconstrained linkages, particularly the Bennett linkage, to create a new class of robotic legs that excel in omni-directional locomotion. The findings from our study are not just limited to efficiency; they represent a leap forward in the world of legged robots, with broad implications for the future of robotics.

揭示未来Unraveling the Future


As we move forward, we acknowledge that there is much more to explore. Overconstrained geometry may present challenges in terms of control and algorithm design, but we believe modern computational tools and machine learning can overcome these hurdles. Our future work will focus on the dynamics and optimized control of quadrupeds equipped with overconstrained linkages, as well as the development of generative design algorithms, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence in the creation of overconstrained robots. Our journey into the world of overconstrained robotics has only just begun.

Yuping Gu, Shihao Feng, Yuqin Guo, Fang Wan, Jian S. Dai, Jia Pan, and Chaoyang Song* (2022). “Overconstrained Coaxial Design of Robotic Legs with Omni-directional Locomotion.” Mechanism and Machine Theory, 176:105018.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2022.105018