
  • Review the Textbook


This is a tentative schedule for ENG 5002/6002 in 17S2 that is subject to change.

  • Each class is divided into 3 segments with the combination of [starting hour: 09/10/11] and [lecture venue: EH/LT]. EH is the Examination Hall 3+4, and LT is the Lecture Theatre S4.

Posters from All Teams

Please rank 10 posters from the above that you think with the best business potential by filling the followin form.

  • You are only allowed to make one submission using your Monash email account, but you can edit it before the deadline, just check your email reciept to edit if necessary.
  • You cannot vote for your own team
  • You must vote for 10 teams in total
  • Your vote is ranked from 1 to 10
  • Only the first 8 out of the 10 will present in-class in Week 12
  • Another 2 from all teams will be selected by the lecturers, demonstrators, and guests

Please submit the following form to cast your vote.

Group-based team evaluation